Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Cheesecakes, Ice Creams and Meat Fabrication

I know that's a REALLY odd title, but that's essentially what I did today. This morning in pastry class we finished making our ice creams by churning them through the ice cream machine. (In class, we use a giant machine that costs around $6500.) While each group was freezing and churning their batch, the rest of us made batter for and cooked pizzelles, little rosette-patterned cookies that can be molded into bowl or cone shapes for the ice cream. We also made a few sauces including hot fudge, chocolate sauce, and raspberry and mango sauces. Once the ice creams were done (coffee was my favorite), we unmolded our cheesecakes. The individual mascarpone cheesecakes that my partner and I made were awesome - the best of all the varieties, I thought. Since I had class this afternoon, I unmolded them all and brought them to my Culinary Management class in the afternoon. Which brings me to the meat fabrication. Today, Friday and next Tuesday, our Culinary Management sessions are being led by Chef Ted, one of the culinary instructors. Chef Ted is going to teach us about purchasing and selecting meats, identifying proper cuts and calculating food costs for meats. Today, he cut up an entire side of beef and 2 sides of lamb.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish that I could be your neighbor! Everything looks yummy!

Denzil and I just returned early this morning from Guatemala. Our time with Heidi and Matt was very special. We got to see Baby Boy Bell's heartbeat, hands and feet.

We wish you the best in your studies and adventures in NY.

Mary Jean and Denzil Bell