Thursday, January 4, 2007

Day 1!

Well, I am back "home" now after day 1 of official culinary school! Let me just say, it was great and I can tell I'm going to love it. Even though this is the classroom portion of my schooling, I think it's going to be very interactive and there are supposed to be a lot of field trips (to local farmer's markets, restaurants, wine bars, meat markets (butchers, not singles bars!) and even architect, marketing firms and venture capitalist groups! We're talking hard core business interests. The bottom line in this program is...the bottom line! I have no doubt that it will train me to be a savvy business owner! There are about 20 people in my class, all from different places and different walks of life. Also, some of them will be in my pastry classes, but others are in the culinary program and there are a few who are just taking the culinary management classes (and have official culinary training from somewhere else). I can tell that we're going to be a good group. I forgot to bring my camera, but I'll get some photos tomorrow.

1 comment:

Knitstress Mary said...

I am so happy your first day went so well. I think you need a hat, either a new yorker, a black cat hat or even a little devil hat. I should be able to buy the yarn for your sweater soon. I did find out that if people are alergic to wool, to use alpaca wool. They don't have the allergies to alpacas. I made Tim a sweater out of a 50/50 Alpaca and Meriano wool blend and he loves it, it's so soft. There is a 100% Alpaca and a 80/20 80% Alpaca 20% Silk.